MMDVM Firmware upgrade guidelines (韌體燒錄方法)
mmdvm hs duplex Firmware update jp1=on sudo pistar-mmdvmhshatflash hs_dual_hat jp1=off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEOM7By4UjU ***************************************************************************************************************** Firmware upgrade for Orange pi PI-STAR (EA7GIB PCB ) Welding a line Orange pi GPIO PA03 to Stm32F103c8t6 RESET Orange pi GPIO PA03 Stm32F103c8t6 RESET Switch BOOT=0 TO BOOT=1 Open your pi-star dashboard in a web browser - Go to SSH-Access http://pi-star/admin/expert/edit_mmdvmhost.php - Login (user pi-star + your password) - Type "sudo pistar-nanohsflash nano_hs - press any key to confirm (last time by pressing CTRL-C to exit) - Wait until you receive the message that the flashing is complete, then press any key to restart - complete also try Sudo pistar-update Sudo pistar-upgrade https://youtu.be/w-0C1saYOFg Precautions Switch BOOT=0 TO B...